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пʼятниця, 22 січня 2016 р.
20 Questions Teachers Need To Ask Themselves Right Now
- Rob FurmanElementary Principal, Author, National Presenter

As educators, we need to consider that there are two very important parts to quality learning: questioning and reflecting. It makes for a healthy mind to question what you are thinking and learning. Reflecting on our learning is not only an important part of the learning process, but also an automatic brain process. In other words, our brain automatically considers what it is learning before it "files" information.
As a self-proclaimed seditionist, I am always questioning myself and the topics to which I am very passionate. Seditionist can be defined as one who instigates or incites, but I prefer to think of myself as one who is discontent. With discontentment comes the ability to make meaningful change. To begin your journey of reflection, introspection and change, I have created a list of questions for your consideration.
Ponder the answers honestly (after all, there is no good reason to lie to yourself), and then determine if and how you can begin to look forward to meaningful, professional change. Think of this survey as a means of change in 2016. Good luck!
- What gets you excited about going to work at school every day?
- How do you question old educational standards?
- How do you make changes based on your educational beliefs?
- When was the last time you taught a concept without using the textbook?
- What excuses have you used to not make changes to your teaching or classroom?
- What have you learned about yourself this past school year?
- What changes in your teaching are you going to make based on what you learned from last year?
- What would you do differently in your teaching if you had no state mandated accountability?
- Can you remember a school lesson from your past?
- Why do you remember that lesson so vividly?
- Have you had a recent lesson that you think your students will never forget?
- Is there any such thing as the perfect lesson?
- How often do you make educational decisions purely with the students in mind?
- Should you just do what is right for the students in your class regardless of consequences?
- If you could mandate a book to be read by all teachers, what would it be?
- Can you describe your teaching style in one small sentence?
- What is your best teaching quality?
- What are your personal teaching goals?
- How would you describe educational freedom?
- Do you love to teach? Why?
A true reflection of yourself and your teaching must start with honesty and a commitment to change, even if it is going to sting a little. A true model teacher must reflect honestly and set goals based on his/her reflections. If you feel so inclined, share some of your reflections in the Huffington Post comments section. Let us help each other move towards meaningful change through our reflections.
Follow Rob Furman on Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrFurman
середа, 20 січня 2016 р.
Listen Up, Students! Attention Signals That Work
By Alycia Zimmerman on November 13, 2013
- Grades: PreK–K, 1–2, 3–5, 6–8
- The mythological super-teacher can silence a room of pandemonium producers with just a look. However, I've yet to meet a teacher with that particular super-power. All of the super-teachers I know use carefully practiced signals to call their students to attention. Regardless of the particular attention signal they use, the common thread is the consistent expectation that every student stops, looks, and listens.
Watch how teachers from every grade in my school demonstrate how they get their students' attention, and get tips from their answers to some of the frequently asked questions about effective attention signals
- Grades: PreK–K, 1–2, 3–5, 6–8
- The mythological super-teacher can silence a room of pandemonium producers with just a look. However, I've yet to meet a teacher with that particular super-power. All of the super-teachers I know use carefully practiced signals to call their students to attention. Regardless of the particular attention signal they use, the common thread is the consistent expectation that every student stops, looks, and listens. Watch how teachers from every grade in my school demonstrate how they get their students' attention, and get tips from their answers to some of the frequently asked questions about effective attention signals
понеділок, 18 січня 2016 р.
Беріть участь у конкурсі «Вчитель-новатор». Онлайн-реєстрація та прийом конкурсних робіт тривають до 1 лютого 2016 року.
Детальніше: http://rpb.li/HuCGU
Детальніше: http://rpb.li/HuCGU
Візьміть участь у ХІІ Всеукраїнському конкурсі «Вчитель-новатор» та отримайте звання найпрогресивнішого вчителя країни
неділя, 17 січня 2016 р.
By Genia Connell on November 6, 2013
Students work collaboratively in our classroom several times throughout the day, with partners and in small groups. There was a time when the mere mention of the word “partner” meant best friends shooting knowing looks across the room at one another. These days, however, my students look towards me, anxious to find out how their partner or group will be unveiled. This week, I'm happy to share with you some of the methods I use to put my students into collaborative partnerships (and a few to help you track them) along with my printable downloads to help you get started.
середа, 13 січня 2016 р.
Worksheet Generator
DIY worksheets
- no fussing with formats
- fill out the ready-made fields and print
- instant answer sheets too
Make your own worksheets with Worksheet Generator. You can print your worksheets on A4 or US-letter paper and make copies for your students, complete with answer sheets.
The illustrations below are examples only. You change them as you like by entering your own words. Worksheet Generator instantly shuffles or scrambles your words and phrases for you.
Matching Worksheet
Sometimes called a "spaghetti" worksheet. With this kind of worksheet, students draw lines between pairs of words, phrases etc.http://www.tefl.net/worksheet-generator/index.htm
понеділок, 11 січня 2016 р.
неділя, 3 січня 2016 р.
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